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The Fallacy Detective

As a ministry we aim to resource the church with products that will strengthen faith and change lives. We often shout about the things we make, but we know there are loads of other great products out there.

Here's a great resource to help develop critical thinking skills in children that will help them grow in confidence and go deeper in their faith.

What is it? A book to help children spot bad reasoning

Who is it for? Children aged 8-14

Who is it by? Nathaniel Bluedorn & Hand Bluedorn

What's in it? 38 lessons on critical thinking, presented in an easy to follow style, with cartoons and check quizzes to help with understanding.

Why we like it at Children Can? When we come to follow God we don’t throw our brains out of the window. The ability to think critically and analyse problems is an important skill for children who are serious about following God to learn. This book, while not explicitly Christian, was written by Christians and teaches children how to reason well. It’s invaluable. I recommend all families grab a copy. Our children loved it and found it really helpful to spot dodgy reasoning when speaking with other people.

How much is it? £16.00 each book

Where can I get it from? From your usual retail outlets.

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