Keeping God in the centre of your family

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Dom & Loo Bird about how we can keep God at the centre of our family.
Join Olly & Helen as they speak to Becci Linscot about how we can help our children to hear from God and act on what he says.
Children & the prophetic

Developing discernment

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Nick Jackson about how we can help our children grow in discernment in the decisions they make.
Faith and your child's school

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Pastor Ade Omooba about how to navigate clashes between faith and our schools.
Creative ways to teach the word

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Victoria Beech and discuss creative ways we can share the word of God with a range of ages.
Preparing children for their calling

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Andy & Catherine Kennedy as they discuss how to recognise and prepare our children for their future.
Leaning on the wider church community

Join Olly & Helen as they speak with Karen Allen about how we can give and gain support from the church community.

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Available TBNUK on Channel 65 (Freeview)
and TBNUK on Channel 582 (Sky).